Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Adventures in Twitter Fiction

Greetings, Class Community. 

I thought you might enjoy this TED video about twitter fiction.  It may provide some inspiration for your class presentation. 

Andrew Fitzgerald: Adventures in Twitter Fiction


  1. I feel as though this is a very exciting development in writing and a great new experiment that I, for one, would love to play around with sometime in the future. So many people use Twitter and I believe that by using this form of writing, more people would be exposed to different types of writing that maybe they would not normally see in their daily lives.

  2. I really enjoyed listening to his views and ideas. Personally, twitter is something that consumes so many peoples lives in this day and age, and I think this could be extremely successful.

  3. I really think this is interesting. I enjoy exploring new mediums for storytelling, particularly digital ones. Twitter does seem to be going strong (even though I tend to use it mostly as a peripheral thing to repost my tumblr), and the way one would tell a story over twitter is an interesting problem. I think it's an avenue that could be explored.
