Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Scrapbooking and Remix???


In class, we will be discussing the creative practices and theories associated with scrapbooking and remixing creative projects.   

What is scrapbooking?  How long has humanity engaged in the creative process of scrapbooking?

Are practices associated with scrapbooking present or invisible in your creative practices?  

What is remixing?  How long has humanity engaged in the creative process of remixing? When did remixing become popular?

Do you think remix theories and popular technology influence or improve your creative writing? If so, how? If not, why?

After viewing the video,  please consider how theories of scrapbooking and remix may intersect in your own creative writing.

Theories associated with memory, scrapbooking and remix will be very important aspects of this course.  You may want to consider how those theories my be evident in your self-portrait assignments such as the “ID Box” and “My Name”.

Your truly, 

Dr. Hill

If you find any interesting research about scrapbooking or remix theory, please post them in the comments box along with your discoveries.  Feel free to respond to anyone's posts.


  1. I can't believe this only just occurred to me, but relating to the remix theory, TV Tropes is a great source. It gathers up themes, characterization, plot points, and a host of other things, and shows how they were done in things from advertising to novels and everything in between. I think it really relates to the Remix theory here, and is a great resource for writers. It's helpful to see how things have been done before, how they've been used and changed and have influenced other things.

  2. When scrapbooking you are putting in pictures that you like and think look good. You decorate the scrapbook until you think the finished product looks how you want it to look. When remixing, you edit the song to how you want it to hear. You add the songs you like or mix it with other songs until you are happy with the finished product. I believe with scrapbooking and remixing, it has the same thought process.

  3. Vanda/Lisa: Scrapbooking and Remixing both take other works and paste them to a medium, but with remixing you are transforming it and changing it up a little. However with scrapbooking, traditionally, you gather photographs on your own--versus with remixing, it can involve film and music as well.

  4. Scrapbooking is kind of like a way to remix one's life. Maybe it's about making a memory into something physical for oneself or another, or maybe it's about taking aspects of oneself or another and representing those through some kind of book-type expression. People use photographs, writing, and everything else that goes into scrapbooks in order to crystallize the more aqueous aspects of existence.

  5. I think they relate in a way such as remixing being the new way of scrapbooking. When I think of making a scrapbook, I think of creating a book of memories that you would like to remember. In remixing I think that it is just another way to create something personal to share with others.

  6. If remixes is changing or using an existing idea, the scrapbook is remixing how we remember things. We use scrapbooks to keep memories close so we can visit them again one day. This idea is similar to the picture, or the diary, and basically combines the two ideas.

  7. i think that remix and scrap booking give meaning to the things we find memorable, and the things that help make us what we are today and in the past and the future. Remix to me feels like when you tell about a picture or an object, so it is just like scarp booking, we tell stories about our lives and feelings, as well in creative writing. in creative writing we put out thought and feelings and imagination into a story or some kind of piece of work. when we write creative writing we may give meanings and untold adventures about things in the story so it is just like scarp booking and remixing, because because we tell a story about our lives and our feelings and let people into our stories.

  8. Remixing and scrapbooking are very similar. They both take a subject and make it into the final result that a person wants. Scrapbooking is with pictures while remixing is with songs, but both create a piece that is made from different parts and combined into a single work.

  9. I think scrapbooking and remix can overlap in some ways, particularly in the combining of elements and ideas. Since scrapbooking isn't just one thing but a combination of elements and even media, it can be an element of remix, in which things can be taken from multiple sources, combined in a new way, and produce something new and different, that nevertheless shows its pedigree.

    Remix, as TV Tropes is dedicated to, is something that's been used for a lot of creative media, music movies, and novels, etc. Many ideas have been done-- classic plots, characters, shots in movies, elements in music. Remix takes these elements, possibly combining them with elements from other things (such as in scrapbooking), and presents them in a new way.

  10. They can be the same in a way that scrapbooking is putting your own work and own style onto a page; while remixing is doing the same thing you can put your own creativity and style into something. Also remixing takes someone else's work (usually) and they put their own twist to it or personality.

  11. Lisa/Vanda: Both scrapbooking and remixing are used in the ID box, because one takes the pictures they have gathered and "scrapbooks" to fit the ID box 5X5.

  12. I think the my name assignment is a good example of scrapbooking and the ID box assignment is a good example of remixing.

  13. Remix and Scrapbooking for the ID Box assignment: As we're using primarily visual media it touches on more traditional forms of scrapbooking, We're translating a description of ourselves that we likely consider in words, to pictures and visuals as symbols. We're attempting to use pictures and limited words to evoke a feeling and a sense of ourselves both internal and external.

  14. The ID box is like a remixed scrapbook. It has photos telling about someones life but they are remixed into a sort of collage that tells the view from others from the outside, and the inside shows the view they have of themselves.

  15. The ID Box reminds me of a remix. Your personality or the inside of the cd could be the original song. Thats what you hear. The remix is what people see you (the outside of the cd) and your personality mixed together. It combines to what you perceive yourself as and what other people perceive you as.

  16. Remixing and scarp booking are used in the id box because you are telling a story about you and what you stand for and who you are through the photos and the symbols and little words
    The my name assignment is like remixing and scrap booking because it is telling a story about who you are and what you stand for also

  17. Remixing and scrapbooking both involve taking bits and piece of other works or items and patching those items together to make something different and new. In most cases you take the highlights of whatever media you are using to makes something entirely new and maybe even better than the original.
    This intersects the ID box project in particular because we will be taking bits and pieces of ourselves and putting them together in order to create a representation of our lives and our personalities.

  18. Scrapbooking and remixing are a collage of ideas, pictures, categories, etc. that are similar or different. Remixing is digital (intangible) and scrapbooking is physical (tangible).
