Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Creative Writing in Digital Spaces

Greetings, Class Community.

Many of you may have questions about this course.  Those questions  may include:

What is creative writing?  What is creative writing in digital spaces?  
And...what does it have to do with you?

I am hoping Maria Popova, John Green and Gary Busey can help us to answer such questions.  Please read John Green's Superb Advice to Aspiring Writers and Creators in the Digital Age

Leave a comment. Consider "What is creative writing?",   "What is creative writing in digital spaces?"  "What does creative writing in digital spaces have to do with you?" or just provide some insight or original thoughts in the comment box. 

Dr. Hill 


  1. Creative writing is an outlet for a person to express their literary imaginative side. This counts for poetry and fiction, and the digital space could include things such as eBooks, and basically any platform on the Internet such as a blog or story sites such as Wattpad. I like to write, and I've never taken a creative writing class before. It counts towards my major as an elective for my college, so I decided to take it for that reason and also because I am a blogger, and I put my writing on a digital space. I hope that this class allows me to improve and develop as a writer.

  2. i believe creative writing is using your own imagination to write what comes to mind. Anything goes. You can't really get judged for what you write because most of the time it is your own opinion.

  3. Creative writing to me is writing that comes from a different mindspace than technical writing. Creative writing is meant to entertain, inspire, enlighten, and most of all express. Digital spaces provide a place that brings writing from words on paper to something even more evocative by using other elements, In a digital space color, composition, graphics, music, and effects can be used to make an experience that's more involving. To me, I believe that creative writing in a digital space will be a challenge--I'm more used to words on plain paper--as well as an opportunity to create something that is more involved than just words, hopefully allowing me to express and evoke the feelings I'm trying to convey.

  4. Writing creatively is something that's different for each person who engages in it. For me, creative writing is about taking the things in myself and the world around me that cannot be expressed through any other means and putting them to reality in poetry and prose.

  5. Creative Writing is being able to freely express your imagination. Using a digital space allows you to all people to enjoy and critique your work.

  6. Creative writing is when the urge to create something out of just the thoughts in your head becomes overwhelming. It then becomes more than just an idea, it comes into words, either in the form of a story or a poem or anything else. It is the time when inspiration hits a person in the face and tells them they must do something with it to create a something new. It is also the late night urges of either wanting to sleep or write and later looking at your work and asking yourself what in the world you were thinking. This is creative writing.

    Creative writing in digital spaces is any sort of space that is not comprised of paper and pens or pencils. These spaces can be free or paid for either is fine. The digital space is either personal or open to the eyes of anyone who can find it.

    To me, it is my outlet for just about any sort of writing I created. I have several different websites I use to establish my writing and to share with the world. Some websites include Tumblr, Wattpad, and even Textnovel. Yet not only do I use these public sites, but also the more private places such as Google Docs, and even and a few others to help with my writing. This class and digital spaces is something I’m taking in hopes of becoming a better writer.

  7. To me personally, Creative Writing is a way to release your thoughts and feelings through words. For me writing down my feelings creatively is more difficult rather than showing them through something such as dancing. But, creative writing is something that I would like to explore to expand my creativity.

  8. Creative writing is simply a way of expressing yourself through words. It can either be on paper or through a digital space. To creatively write you put your thoughts and emotions or ideas together in order to creative a piece of writing.

  9. I think, creative writing is writing what you are thinking. It is writing out your thoughts and imagination. Creative writing in digital spaces means writing what you are thinking through the internet, whether its via Facebook, Twitter, or blogging. For me, creative writing is writing down my own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. I love using my imagination and creativity to compose a story.

  10. Creative writing is a type of writing that allows a writer to use imagination and create fictional characters settings and so on. There is no limit to your writing and as a writer you can create and go beyond the boundaries of reality. Creative writing in a digital space just gives writers even more freedom to share there thoughts, opinions, and beliefs with people all over the world - anyone that has excess to the internet can read it. This all connects to me because it allows me an outlet to share my own opinions and thoughts and see what others might have to say about them. When a person writes something online, they should know that not everyone will agree and have their same opinion. You must take the good with the bad. Its just nice to have a way to be heard.

  11. I believe creative writing is writing your imagination and thought down and creating a story. Although, I am not used to writing my creative thoughts and ideas online or in digital spaces, I am willing to learn more about it, and broaden my audience. Creative writing in a digital space is just like writing for yourself creatively except it is online on social media sites or in this case a blog. But, that is just my opinion of what it means to me.

  12. Creative writing to me is a way to express your stories, ideas, thoughts, etc. in a way that suits you creatively. You are using your own imagination as you're writing and what you write most often can't be judged as right or wrong because you are writing from your own opinion.
